Chef Pam’s Kitchen
I love collaboration and working together to help both sides benefit. So when Chef Pam’s Kitchen reached out to me to come in and have a discussion on how we could work together moving forward, I was ecstatic.
If you aren’t familiar, Chef Pam’s Kitchen is located on Main Street near the Five Points and recently expanded its footprint in Waukesha to offer cooking classes and rental space for foodie entrepreneurs. The space is gorgeous and she is doing great business!

Chef Pam had seen my Sundays with Sarah videos and wanted to know if I was interested in hosting one of my “Lives” as an event in her space. I was humbled and very excited for this opportunity. In talking more, Pam offered me the opportunity to teach a kid’s cooking class because she noticed how I incorporate my children into my videos. This too made me very excited and the wheels started turning right away as to what I could do.
Making themed foods for a party is one of my favorite things, and with Halloween coming up (that just so happens to be my favorite holiday), we decided I would host a Halloween-themed cooking class for children 8-12. If all goes well, and both sides of the party are happy, this is something that I could continue to do.

My first classes were held on Oct. 25 and Oct. 30 and featured Mummy Meatballs and Fruit Pizza Cookies.
For the recipes, click here.
My next opportunity to partner with Chef Pam’s Kitchen will be a Live Sundays with Sarah cooking demonstration on Sunday, November 21 – which just so happens to be the Waukesha Christmas Parade day.