
Phone Dump Vol. 3

My weeks are getting crazy busy but I wanted to show you what I have been up to – so here’s another phone dump for your enjoyment. Some of these will spawn into blog posts soon – I promise!

Homemade Beef Enchiladas – soooo good!

Beautiful sunrise while heading to work!

And a beautiful sunset on my first 4-mile run in months!

And the awesome screw that I found in my tire on Sunday – a patch is working so far – fingers crossed!

Ate at Christina’s on Sunday afternoon and the chicken was good – the sides could use some work.

My nephews awesome iPhone skills – he took 7 selfies in like 2 seconds!

Jumbo pretzel with zesty dipping cheese from Cleveland Pub

Hammerschlocken from Oktoberfest in Milwaukee. I almost took out someone’s eye but the event was a blast.

Pumpkin bar from the Milwaukee Public Market – not really my type of bar – too much crust

Broadway Cafe opening soon!

My favorite job that I ever held has been closed for 3 years, yet the registers and mops are still where we left them.

Yay for falling leaves on my walk!

One machine was writing on a board while the other machine moved that board! WMTS in Milwaukee

New running shoes and shoes for my leap back into running!

My awesome nephew again on his 2nd birthday!

And finally another gorgeous Fall sky on my run to end the post!