Safer At Home Fun
There are days in my house when we have two kids in school and two adults trying to fulfill their workday obligations, all using the same WIFI. When our days are done, the last thing we should all be doing is reaching for our phones or scrolling online. I am here to supply you a break from your devices (mostly) and some exciting things you can do to make the #SaferAtHome not so dreadful.
Get Outside – first and foremost. It is important for everyone to take breaks. Kids move around in classrooms; adults take breaks as well. Do not forget those breaks at home. I am not suggesting you blow off your responsibilities, but make sure to at least get up and stretch every hour or even go outside for some fresh air and much needed Vitamin D over your lunch. There is no good time for COVID-19 to happen, but I am glad it wasn’t in January when the weather really stunk!
Exercise – a lot of area gyms and workout websites are providing free videos online. If a video isn’t your thing, take it outside and throw the ball around, walk/run in your neighborhood, or create a chalk workout on your sidewalk for others that are out.
Car Rides – even just going for a drive around town to escape the home setting is good and gets you to see something besides your own yard.
Support Local Businesses – restaurants and bars have come up with some great curbside programs and have adapted well to the new norm with social distancing. Crafty stores have put together packets to pick up and your favorite local retailer may be selling on social media channels.
Dinnertime – make it together or let the kids make the food. Having the kids participate in the making of the meal is fun. My stepdaughter received a young chef cookbook that she has been selecting items to
make for us. May I recommend getting your kids to make you a chocolate mug cake, because those are sooo good.
Play Games – bring out the board games, decks of cards, and Legos. Because we can’t go anywhere, now is the time to teach games and build stuff. The hubs sat down with his youngest and taught her cribbage, his favorite game. It is complicated, but when you have a quarantined audience, they have the chance to learn and ask questions. And I accomplished building this intricate replica of the Friends set. I have also seen many of my friends building puzzles, just don’t let the littles or pets steal
any pieces.
Make a Scavenger Hunt – our girls love to find treasures and figuring out riddles. Maybe it’s a special treat from the grocery store or a new toy but make a game out of it. It will keep them busy for a while and teaches them skills while figuring out the riddle.
Facetime with Your Family — those members that don’t live in your direct household miss you and want to see you. THANK YOU TECHNOLOGY, for providing us a chance to see our relatives’ faces when we can’t physically be with them. Set aside a scheduled time to check-in and see how they are doing, but at the same time, don’t dwell on the quarantine. We can’t control it beyond staying safe and washing our hands, so talk about things that are a lot more fun to talk about – favorite TV shows, projects, schoolwork, funny jokes, and more.
Pick up a New Hobby – again you have the time because you aren’t going anywhere. Color in those adult coloring books, learn to crochet, bake bread, plant a garden – the options are endless. But now is the time to do those things you always wanted to do and haven’t.
Read More — challenge your family to read. Books aren’t that expensive and if you are like me, I have quite a few laying around that I haven’t had a chance to read yet. Or check out your neighborhood Little Free Library for a new option, but don’t forget to leave one in return.
Me Time – don’t forget to still take time out for yourself. Having to manage the household all day, every day can get quite daunting, and everyone deserves a break. So take a few minutes and go binge-watch a
show, drink some wine, or catch up on celebrity gossip. Whatever you do, don’t lose yourself during this time. And your other friends are going through it too, so lean on them when the times get tough. They
are looking for an outlet and a good laugh about life right now too!
We are all in this together! (Cue the High School Musical Wildcats song)